Ward Knutur Townes will perform at Manchester Folk Festival this weekend, following the release of their album Unanswered just two weeks ago.

The album was triggered by a chance collaboration between singer-songwriters Derbyshire-based BBC Radio 2 Folk Award winning Lucy Ward, Icelandic troubadour and Anna Palina Arnadottir Memorial Award winner Svavar Knutur and Canada’s 2020 Music New Brunswick SOCAN Song of the Year Award winner Adyn Townes.

The three had more than a dozen album releases between them and landed together through the world’s largest musical collaboration Global Music Match which saw 60 artists from 16 countries making music virtually with counterparts during Covid lockdowns.

The trio spent more than two years crafting the album in online sessions before finally meeting in Iceland in April to record the 11-track album.

When do Ward Knutur Townes perform at Manchester Folk Festival?

Ward Knutur Townes perform at Manchester Folk Festival on Friday 20 October 2023.