We all know Manchester is a wonderful place to live and that there is always something happening somewhere (let’s face it that’s one of the many reasons why we think Manchester is the greatest city in the country, ok we’ll just say it … the greatest city in the world!). But sometimes, there are just so many Manchester live events, so many gigs at Manchester’s incredible live venues, that much happening at the city’s theatres, so many museum installations and art gallery exhibitions creeping up that it’s easy to miss things. We have all been there – finding out just too late that one of our favourite bands played last night at one of the city’s great gig venues, that the opera we love has finished it’s run, that the stage show we have been longing to see has been and gone.
We’ve also had the thrill of enjoying a show that we never really thought about watching (until we were cajoled that is), catching an unknown band and knowing that we spotted their potential way before they hit the big time, and occasionally discovering that maybe there is a whole genre we’ve been missing out on, that we do have an appreciation for a different type of art.
In a vibrant city like Manchester, there’s always something new. There’s always another live event taking place. There are always new venues opening, refurbishments and expansions happening.
So that’s why we’re here … to provide you with news, previews and reviews of key Manchester live events … and help you find those gigs, shows and exhibitions which you didn’t even know you wanted to see.
At the end of it, we’re all fans – whether it’s gigs in Manchester (local acts or giant touring bands), theatre and stage, independent film festivals, museums, art or dance… let’s keep Manchester live.