Following their acclaimed collaboration on Medea at the National Theatre in July 2014, director Carrie Cracknell and choreographer Lucy Guerin create a stirring new version of Macbeth. Beginning with Shakespeare’s text, the powerful and unsettling choreography weaves its way throughout Shakespeare’s supernatural tragedy.
When the prophecy of three witches proclaims that Macbeth (John Heffernan – Oppenheimer, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell) is destined to become the King of Scotland, he and Lady Macbeth (Anna Maxwell Martin – South Riding, Midwinter of the Spirit) embark upon a murderous journey of power, treachery, paranoia, betrayal, and suicide.
Interspersed with stunning choreography which complements perfectly the Bard’s text, the production culminates in an unforgettable final act where words falter and finally give way. The first William Shakespeare play to be staged at HOME, Macbeth runs between Tue 2 – Sat 6 February 2016.
The cast is completed by Nicholas Burns (Duncan/Macduff), Mark Ebulué (Ross), Thomasin Gülgeç (Murderer), Ben Lamb (Malcolm), Cassie Layton (Lady Macduff/Lennox), Ira Mandela Siobhan (Porter/Murderer), Ana Beatriz Meireles (Witch/Child), Jesse Oshodi (Witch/Child), Prasanna Puwanarajah (Banquo/Doctor), and Clemmie Sveaas (Witch/Child).
Macbeth runs at Home from 2 – 6 February 2016
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