Ruthie Collins will return to the UK in August to perform at Millport Musical Festival and Nashville Meets London. The two shows follow on from her appearance earlier this year at London’s C2C Festival and her run of UK dates with Americana singer-songwriter Sam Outlaw.
Ruthie Collins release an updated and expanded version of her critically acclaimed 2020 album Cold Comfort in January. Cold Comfort + features highlights including Joshua Tree, co-written with Luke Sheets, Hey Little Girl and Wish You Were Here.
Speaking about returning to the UK Ruthie Collins said, “I’m counting the days till I get to return to the UK and perform again for the audiences that have quickly become so dear to my heart. This will be my third trip and every time is better than the last. I couldn’t be more excited to share some brand-new material, and also the fan favorites with the audiences at the Millport and Nashville Meets London Festivals.”
When does Ruthie Collins perform in the UK?
Ruthie Collins performs at Millport Musical Festival on Saturday 20 August and at Nashville Meets London Festival on Wednesday 24 August.