Judy and Liza, the musical charting the careers and relationship between Hollywood mother and daughter Judy Garland and Liza Minnelli opens in Manchester this month.
The Manchester run at Hope Mill Theatre will be followed by a UK tour taking in Abergavenny, Cardiff, Runcorn, Middlesborough, Alnwick, Chequer Mead, Shrewsbury, New Brighton and Leeds.
Judy and Liza is produced by Bill Elms Productions and On Song Productions; created and written by West End performer Emma Dears who appears as Liza Minnelli; with Francis Goodhand as musical director.
Alongside Emma Dears, Helen Sheals plays Judy Garland.
The production tells the tale of the stars against the backdrop of their 1964 London Palladium concert, taking the audience on an emotional rollercoaster.
The show features performances of iconic songs including Cabaret, Maybe This Time, Over The Rainbow, The Man That Got Away, The Trolley Song, and Together Wherever We Go.
When does Judy and Liza run at Manchester’s Hope Mill Theatre?
Judy and Liza runs at Manchester’s Hope Mill Theatre from 28 May – 2 June 2024.
Image courtesy Andrew AB