19 December 2015 – 3 January 2016 10.00am – 5.00pm
Closed 24, 25, 26 and January 1
Suitable for all ages (except where specified)
Free (except where specified)
Illuminate dark winter days with daily family activities during the school holidays at Museum of Science and Industry. Discover mischievous magicians, try out painting in the dark and catch your shadow in a special photobooth. See how light entertained us before the movies and get hands on with circuits and bulbs. Come and light up your life at Museum of Science and industry this season.
Light Programme features:
Light Painting
Saturday 19 December and Sunday 20 December 11am, 1pm, 3pm
Learning Loft, Great Western Warehouse
Suitable for ages 7+
Price: £4 per person
Ever tried to paint in the dark? Imagine the mess! That’s exactly what they’re going to do at Manchester Science Musum, but they won’t spill a drop. They won’t even use paint. Materials needed (participants to bring): Camera with manual function (or ability to control shutter speed manually), tripod, camera instructions, fully-charged battery, empty memory card. Please bring your camera battery charger too.
Magic Lantern Workshop
19 December – 3 January 10:30am, 12:00pm, 1:30pm, 3:00pm
Mezzanine Level, 1830’s Warehouse
Suitable for ages 7+
Cost: £1.50 Tickets available from the 1830’s Warehouse Information Desk
Build an electrical circuit and light up the dark at the Magic Lantern workshop.
19 December – 3 January 2pm – 4pm, Drop in
Power Hall
All ages
Reach for the stars and build your own kaleidoscope in a free, family friendly workshop.
The Wonder of Light
19 December – 3 January 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm
Learning Loft, Great Western Warehouse
Age: 4+
Mischievous magicians use the principles of light to create illusions in a family friendly science show. Shocking shadows, cloning cubes and headless horrors all feature in the show, but is it magic or science?
Giant Pinhole Cameras
19 December – 3 January 10:00am – 4:00pm, Drop in
I spy with my little eye…
Upper Yard
All ages
Pop your head inside a giant pinhole cameras and turn the world upside down.
Shadow Theatre Photobooth
19 December – 3 January 10:00am – 4:00pm Drop in
Revolution Manchester Gallery, Great Western Warehouse
All ages
Grab a prop, strike a pose, create shadow shapes and catch it all on camera.
Live Magic Lantern Show
19,20 December and 2, 3 January 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00
Warehouse for the World, 1830s Warehouse
Age: 10+ recommended
What did people watch before the invention of cinema and television? Listen to Andrew Gill from the Magic Lantern Society spin tales of the ordinary and extraordinary, with stunning visual accompaniments.
Engine Demonstration
19 December – 3 January 11:00am, 1:00pm, 3:00pm
All Ages
Discover the story of the engines that brought power to the mills of the North West and helped shape the modern world.
Manchester Mills
19 December – 3 January 10:30am, 11:30am, 3:30pm
Textiles Gallery, Great Western Warehouse
All Ages
Go back in time to the working mills of 150 years ago, experience the deafening sounds of the mill machines and find out what life was like for thousands of mill workers.
This thunderous demonstration of historic mill machinery will show you how cotton is processed from its raw state to the finished product—a piece of calico cloth. Learn about working conditions during a time when respiratory diseases were rife, and children as young as 5 were employed as mill workers.
Friday 11 December 10.30am – 12.00pm
£3 for one child and one adult
These popular creative activity sessions for under-6s feature puppets and storytelling to introduce the wonders of science to knee-high explorers and budding boffins. This month’s session explores light and colour.
Now Open to May 2016
1830 Warehouse
All Ages
See seas, oceans and tides celebrated in sculptural form by artist Tania Kovats. Winner of Cape Farewell’s James Lovelock Art Commission for 2015 and also a world premiere, Evaporation comprises a range of works including three large-scale metal bowls which reflect the shapes of the world’s oceans with their own salt water hydro-cycle. Also on display is one other of Kovat’s acclaimed work, All The Seas presenting water from all the world’s seas, collected with the help of a global network of people drawn in by the idea of bringing all the waters of the world to one place.
Cravings: Does Your Food Control You?
Now Open – September 2016
1830 Warehouse
Suitable for ages 11+
From flavours learned in the womb to experiences in adult life, appetites are shaped by food. Through personal stories, the smells of Manchester, fascinating objects and cutting-edge science, this colourful and tasty exhibition explores how food affects the body, brain and eating habits.
The Innovation Race: Manchester’s Makers Join the First World War
Running until April 2016
Station Building
Recommended for ages 9+
The Innovation Race: Manchester’s Makers Join the First World War features over 30 unique and original never before seen artefacts, images and documents to bring to life the largely untold stories of how Mancunian innovation helped to turn around the outcome of the First World War. Tied in with the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Munitions, this family friendly exhibition – complete with hands-on gadgets – commemorates David Lloyd George’s visit to Manchester where his rally call for the city’s makers to step up their war effort resulted in the overwhelming support from the ordinary factory worker to the most eminent scientists and engineers.
Wellcome Image Awards 2015
Running until 2016
Station Building
Suitable for all ages
For the second year running, the Museum of Science & Industry is one of just a handful of UK science centres and venues selected by the Wellcome Trust, to exhibit the winning entries in the prestigious and coveted Wellcome Image Awards. Showcasing the best in science imaging talent and techniques, these 20 brand new and award winning images are on display in the stunning surrounds of the museum’s original and oldest surviving First Class Waiting Room.
4D Cinema
The Lost World 4D
Runs Daily ( every 20 minutes) 11am – 3.40pm
£4 adults/£3 concessions
Stressed executive Bob thinks he’s on his way to a deserted island for a relaxing holiday, but finds himself in a lost world inhabited with prehistoric dinosaurs.
Fierce Raptors, flying Pterosaurs, giant Triceratops and the mighty T-Rex roam the land, while Bob and his rescuer Professor Lizzie must outrun them to survive. Take a wild Jeep ride through dense, tropical rainforest, and soar above this forgotten island in the flight of your life.