Live Manchester offers advertising packages including web banners, skins, social media shoutouts and advertorials.  Full details of our advertising opportunities can be found in our Advertising Sheet.

Established by a team of music, theatre and dance enthusiasts, with a passion for live performances, Live Manchester is dedicated to showcasing events taking place in and around Manchester.  We cover live music, theatre, dance, film, museums, art galleries and events taking place in and around our great city!

From up-and-coming or niche performances through to household names, we keep our finger on the pulse of the city and aim to keep the people of Manchester (and beyond!), fully up to date with the wealth of live performances and events taking place here.  We believe that Manchester has a whole lot to offer and no matter what your interests, from pop to punk, ballet to street dance, stage performances to galleries and exhibits, you are sure to find the perfect way to spend some leisure time. LIVE in Manchester!

If you would like to advertise or collaborate with us, please reach out on:

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